Touchpoint Update: Reimagining Professional Pathways for India’s Health Workforce

The Health Practice Area at the SKI conducted a webinar on ‘Reimagining Professional Pathways for India’s Health Workforce‘, on Sept. 16, 2024.

The webinar hosted Dr Nachiket Mor (Visiting Scientist, The Banyan Academy of Leadership in Mental Health), Dr Gayathri Vasudevan (Chief Impact Officer, Sambhav Foundation),and Rathish Balakrishnan (Co-founder and Managing Partner, Sattva), in a conversation moderated by Lakshmi Sethuraman (Partner, Health Practice Area, SKI) . 

The discussion was enriching and shed light on ways in which funders, implementing organisations, or anyone interested in reimagining growth pathways for human resources in health could act.

Three key pathways emerged for those looking to recognise competencies of existing workforce and drive mobility:

  • Building competency frameworks for cadres in specific health settings and linked to specific outcomes
  • Defining growth pathways that recognise prior learning, to build incentives and enable aspirational mobility
  • Engaging with universities to create accreditation mechanisms and certify skills of cadres engaged in specific interventions

The speakers advocated for demonstrating specific use cases for this model, leveraging these three steps, and solving for specific outcomes in local settings. Stakeholders interested in the space can:

  • Gather evidence on similar models
  • Learn from successful accreditation mechanisms in India and
  • Build this model in their context, in collaboration with partners

If you missed the webinar, you can watch the discussion here: 

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