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Participatory Learning and Action Approach: Jharkhand

Over the years, Jharkhand has made remarkable progress with respect to maternal and child health. In this article, a Sattva team member talks about his on field experience learning about and witnessing the implementation of the innovative PLA approach.

Millet Cultivation in India – Advantages and Opportunities

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has announced 2023 to be the ‘Year of the Millets’ under India’s recommendation. This article explores the potential of millets as a viable answer to India’s evolving dietary needs and agricultural realities.

Women in Farming: A Case for Better Representation

Although most efforts by women go unnoticed due to non-quantification of their contribution, we have tried to highlight some statistics which show that rural women have a long way to go, and require deliberate interventions to empower their status in Indian society.

Digital Platforms and their Impact on the Social Sector

Tech-based, impact-focused initiatives have been observed to attract greater investment and philanthropic funding in India. There is a strong case to be made, therefore, for greater adoption of digital platforms by social sector enterprises.

Building Platform Solutions for Impact

If you are an entrepreneur or an organisation looking to build a platform-based approach to solve a problem, then here are some reflections on making the shift in applying platform thinking to social impact.

7000 leaders Network

Can we imagine creating a network of 7000 leaders that represent the whole of India – Not just geographically but culturally, socially and politically – and can drive transformative change within their block.

Build Your Fundraising Capability

It is essential for non-profits to familiarise themselves with the overall funding landscape as well as develop strategies to adapt to these changes.

Gender Wage Gap in India

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment is recognised as a critical component of sustainable development and is an area where Sattva has worked on extensively. We present a quick overview of the gap in wages earned by men and women in India.

The Cost of Business as Usual

Shortly after the pandemic halted all travel, companies quickly pivoted from in-person meetings and conferences to virtual platforms. But now business travel is on the rise again. This is a good opportunity for companies to re-evaluate and understand if business travel is even required.

CSR in Punjab

Through this report, Sattva presents a critical glimpse of Punjab state with respect to the CSR investment and its development performance.

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