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Mohana T Rajan

Mohana T Rajan brings over a decade of experience across the corporate and social impact sector.
As Associate Principal at Sattva, Mohana works with multiple business units (BUs) within Sattva to leverage knowledge and insights for the Corporate and Sustainability and Business Advisory (SBA) BUs to provide strategic

Debaranjan Pujahari

Debaranjan Pujahari is an accomplished professional with 16 years of experience in the social impact space leading the delivery of innovative and result-oriented solutions for agriculture development, food, and nutrition security.

As Principal for Sattva Knowledge Institute at Sattva, he is responsible for strategic advisory to Sattva’s clients by

Sonam Angmo

Sonam Angmo brings over 7+ years of holistic work experience in the social impact sector. As the Engagement Manager at Sattva, she’s part of the Non-Profit Advisory (NPA) team and leads the Short Term Advisory unit within NPA. She is responsible for leading delivery of projects, managing a team, and

Priyanka Anand Chadha

Priyanka Anand Chadha brings 12+ years of experience in the social impact sector working with universities and foundations. As the Associate Principal with Sattva’s Foundation’s team, Priyanka leads the Bharat EdTech Initiative, a multi-stakeholder collaborative to address the digital learning divide in India.

Daniel Rostrup

Daniel Rostrup has 17 years of rich industry experience in the social impact sector working across both social enterprises and progressive NGOs to large foundations and multinational corporations as an employee and as a consultant. As the Regional Business Development Lead at Sattva, he leads engagement with the European social

Ritchika Dsouza Thimmaiah

Ritchika Dsouza Thimmaiah brings 12+ years working extensively across the social impact sector across NGOs and corporates. As Regional Head for Corporate Advisory at Sattva, Ritchika currently manages the CSR engagement with corporate clients.

Automobile production line. Welding car body. Modern car assembly plant

ESG benchmarking engagement with a leading automobile manufacturing company 

The recent rise in the ESG movement along with forays being made into sustainable investing by organisations, companies and governments require some form of regulation and benchmarking. This is primarily to evaluate the performance by way of using benchmarking tools to assess, compare and qualify through standard ESG and sustainability

Addressing the Low Female Labour Force Participation in India

COVID-19 presented an opportunity to re-evaluate structural barriers and to “build back better”. Our blog on the SelectHER programme highlights how long-term engagements can add value to the employability of women and bring meaningful change in society.

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