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When will Indian CSR come of age?

The priorities of corporate giving are changing, one example of which is reduced funding towards education and increased priority to environment, as per recent MCA data.

Accelerating Innovation through Incubation

The organisation’s incubator serves as a catalyst for the non-profit sector, encouraging skilled and passionate leaders to address critical challenges faced by underprivileged individuals in the nation.

Our Support to Non-profits

Sattva is more committed now than ever to support non-profits during these times. In the last few months, a majority of our work has focused on institutional challenges. Read about it here.

Predatory Lending: Is it worth your interest?

What would happen in a world where the interest rate on borrowings is 60% per annum? Predatory lending often inhibits the growth and cash flows of the poor, strangling them with a lifetime of debt.

Embracing ESG Integration: Sustainability for MSMEs in India

In the emerging sustainability landscape in India, there is widespread consumer demand for sustainable products. Governments and regulatory bodies are implementing stricter regulations related to environmental protection, labour standards, and responsible sourcing. Investors expect companies to demonstrate sustainable practices, manage risks effectively, and create long-term value to protect their investments

Tailored Healthcare Solutions for Tribal Women

The challenges and needs of the tribal population are unique and need to be addressed differently. How do we reach the most marginalised women in remote villages to ensure safe deliveries for them?

Innovation with Cisco ft. Harish Krishnan

CSR spending in India is concentrated in a few sectors, including education and healthcare. Less than 1% of the CSR funds are channelled towards incubators to support social enterprises. To understand the criticality of CSR backing for scalable and impactful solutions through social enterprises, we have with us today, Mr.

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