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Richa Shivhare

Richa Shivhare brings 12 years of experience working with the IT, development and the environment sector. As Senior Engagement Manager at Sattva, she supports corporates and civil society organisations by co-creating rigorous monitoring systems and generating robust evidence through assessment and evaluations.

Product Offerings for Nonprofits

Learn more on how we can help scaling and growing the impact of your organisation. India Data Insights: Your data guide on India’s social sector with actionable, ready-to-use data insights for sharper decisions. Use the platform to gain insights into the CSR landscape in India and target the funders relevant

charcha 2020

Sattva hosted the Financial Inclusion track at “charcha 2020” – a platform for the Indian development sector to come together and chart a course for the country’s resurgence from the COVID-19 crisis

ACT Grants

Share CORPORATES CSR Advisory and Programme Management Our Advisory services focus on helping our clients achieve their vision and goals for social impact. We consult on strategy for transformative ideas and models of social change, to ensure client success. At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui

Understanding Mental Health Determinants in India

Decoding what causes diseases requires a deeper understanding of the underlying factors or determinants which affect health. These determinants do not operate in silos and interact with other factors, cumulatively driving health outcomes. Mental health is a complex issue and, much like health, is caused by a complex interplay of

Decoding Urban Development in Gujarat

India’s urbanisation is on a rapid upward trajectory, with projections indicating a population nearing 600 million by 2030 and a staggering 876 million by 2050. Gujarat is poised to claim the 4th spot among the most urbanised states by 2026, with an expected urban population of 53%. This underscores the critical importance of

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