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Enabling Technology for Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture

Several effects of climate change such as droughts, floods, cyclones, erratic and delayed
monsoon, depleting groundwater, salinisation, pests and diseases, etc. have been affecting
the production and productivity of Indian agriculture, thereby impacting farmer incomes as
well as food and nutrition security.

Addressing the Low Female Labour Force Participation in India

COVID-19 presented an opportunity to re-evaluate structural barriers and to “build back better”. Our blog on the SelectHER programme highlights how long-term engagements can add value to the employability of women and bring meaningful change in society.

Vanita Viswanath

Vanita Viswanath has been a development sector practitioner and social entrepreneur for over 20 years. She is the former CEO of Udyogini, a non-profit that focuses on business services such as training.

Understanding the Global South

Sattva supported IEFG and ECFG to amplify the participation and voice of Global South funders in key decision-making discussions at a global scale by conducting an in-depth landscape analysis of key trends, needs, motivations and challenges faced by funders in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Solutions for Young People of India Report

The report adopts a mixed-methods research approach to identify organisations, map solutions, and classify actors working across five areas – Flexible Learning, Life Skills, Career Guidance, Skill Development and Placements, and Engagement of Young People in India.

CSR Compliance

In this report, we have analysed the entire set of companies (total of 29190) on their CSR compliance using the data made available by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as of January 2019.


FEATURED ON Education SUB FOCUS AREAS Foundational Literacy & Numeracy School to Work Transition

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