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Capital for Impact

FEATURED ON Capital for Impact SUB FOCUS AREAS Strategic CSR Effective Philanthropy Blended Finance

Decoding Digital Health with Badri Pillapakkam

In the last few years, digital health has emerged as a potential game changer for enabling accessible, affordable, and quality health care for all. The pandemic has only emphasised the role of digital health as a key enabler to achieve universal health coverage. In spite of the high potential of

Decoding Women's Unpaid Labour with Dr Sona Mitra

Decoding Women’s Unpaid Labour with Dr Sona Mitra

    According to PLFS 2021, a staggering 80% of women attribute their absence from the labour force to being engaged in domestic duties, making the unpaid labour economy a central theme for the discourse on women’s economic participation in India. In this podcast episode, we try to understand the

Cultivating Growth: Agricultural Finance in India

Agricultural finance in India is currently facing a crisis of high-interest rates leading to higher debt percentages, lack of insurance financing for risk mitigation and unreported capital flows. Understanding these gaps will lead to the achievement of bigger opportunities and objectives such as increasing farmers’ income, promoting resource efficiency, enhancing

Gearing up the Indian workforce for a Green Economy

Lack of policies hampering green skill development: Report

India has the potential to create 35 million green jobs by 2047 but barriers like lack of policies for green skill development, funding gaps, inadequate skill infrastructure, exclusion of vulnerable groups, and lack of collaboration among key actors need to be addressed, states a report by Skills Council for Green

Programme Enablement

Share NON-PROFITS Programme Enablement We understand the challenges faced by organisations in translating strategies on the ground. Nonprofits are evolving in some key areas in order to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing landscape: Agile approach to organisational strategy with a clear structure to achieve organisational goals Strategic programmes that

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