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Programme Management – Skilling

A social development incubator had developed a programme, funded by a large investment bank, to improve gender diversity ratios and quality of candidates entering the retail sector.

For the Right Frame of Mind

In this column, Shrutee Ganguly talks about how taking care of employees’ mental wellbeing must be a priority for the sector.

CSR Advisory and Programme Management

Share CORPORATES CSR Advisory and Programme Management Our Advisory services focus on helping our clients achieve their vision and goals for social impact. We consult on strategy for transformative ideas and models of social change, to ensure client success. At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui

Circular Economy Models in Agriculture

Despite the lack of a common definition for circularity, there are some core principles to help us identify the concept: i. Minimising waste and pollution ii. Preserving and regenerating natural ecosystems while dealing with waste and residue iii. Promoting fairness and inclusivity across local communities that bear the social costs

The Nonprofit MBA Podcast

Building a Nonprofit Organization for the Future , Featuring Rathish Balakrishnan, on The Nonprofit MBA Podcast PRESS RELEASE – October 4, 2022       In today’s podcast, Rathish Balakrishnan from Sattva Media & Consulting Pvt Ltd and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions, the leading provider of loans for nonprofits in the


Careers Share Problem solvers with an ability to get things done. Creative thinkers who go beyond the obvious. Big dreamers who make things happen. Analytical minds with an eye for detail. Empathetic people who play with the team. Entrepreneurs at heart who go the distance. This is us. Our work

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