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FEATURED ON Education SUB FOCUS AREAS Foundational Literacy & Numeracy School to Work Transition

Levers for Vaccine Adoption

Sattva, in partnership with Piramal Swasthya, conducted a survey to understand the levers for vaccine adoption across 25 aspirational districts in 7 states of India.


Non-profitOrganisations We help non-profit organisations execute their missions effectively through advisory, capability building and programme enablement support. Share 0 + NGOs engaged 0 + NGOs enabled 0 countries reached From our inception, we have always had a strong emphasis on working with non-profit leaders to achieve their aspirational visions effectively,

Organisation Strategy and Design

Share NON-PROFITS Organisation Strategy and Design We understand the challenges faced by organisations in translating strategies to action on the ground. Non-profits are evolving in some key areas in order to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing landscape: Agile approach to organisational strategy with a clear structure to achieve organisational

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