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Vaibhav Gupta

Vaibhav Gupta brings 10+ years of experience in skill development and education in the social impact sector and 7+ years of experience in consulting with top-tier corporations. As the Senior Engagement Manager for the Foundations Unit at Sattva, Vaibhav manages the Life Skills Collaborative project and handles a team of

Pawan Kumar

Pawan has over 13+ years of experience working in the private and development sector.

At Sattva, he co-leads the Domestic Philanthropy vertical which supports high net worth philanthropists to bridge the gap between their philanthropic intent and action by providing solutions across Research, Strategy and Implementation.

Decoding Nano Entrepreneurs with Priya Naik

India is known for its large companies across manufacturing and technology, but what often goes unnoticed is that a large part of the employment in this country is actually driven by Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). MSMEs contribute to more than 30% of India’s GDP, and 11 million of

Redesigning Service Delivery

Sattva worked on the model of redesigning service delivery through Municipal Shared Services (MSS) models. This entailed conducting a landscape study of the existing operating models in urban local bodies.

Implementation – Micro-entrepreneurship

A solar power company delivering viable electricity solutions through decentralised renewable energy mini-grids, wanted to spur socio-economic growth in rural and semi-urban areas.

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