SDG: Reduced Inequalities

Digital Platforms and their Impact on the Social Sector

Tech-based, impact-focused initiatives have been observed to attract greater investment and philanthropic funding in India. There is a strong case to be made, therefore, for greater adoption of digital platforms by social sector enterprises.

Building Platform Solutions for Impact

If you are an entrepreneur or an organisation looking to build a platform-based approach to solve a problem, then here are some reflections on making the shift in applying platform thinking to social impact.

7000 leaders Network

Can we imagine creating a network of 7000 leaders that represent the whole of India – Not just geographically but culturally, socially and politically – and can drive transformative change within their block.

Analysis – PMGKAY

In March 2020, the Government of India announced additional food supplies, free of cost, for two-thirds of the population.

India is Changing

On 1st January 2019, we launched our new initiative – India Data Insights – with the aim of making actionable data insights available to everyone in the form of ready-to-use charts and interactive dashboards.

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