SDG: Reduced Inequalities

Decoding Green Growth with Amitabh Kant

India’s G20 presidency is coming at a historic time. In the face of a mounting economic crisis, along with the demands placed by climate change, it is important for leading nations to pave a way

Decoding Digital Health with Badri Pillapakkam

In the last few years, digital health has emerged as a potential game changer for enabling accessible, affordable, and quality health care for all. The pandemic has only emphasised the role of digital health as

Circular Economy Models in Agriculture

Despite the lack of a common definition for circularity, there are some core principles to help us identify the concept: i. Minimising waste and pollution ii. Preserving and regenerating natural ecosystems while dealing with waste

Digital Platforms: Funding Landscape

Digital technology is increasingly being leveraged by organisations working in the social sector to create impact and enhance service delivery across a range of sectors. Digital public goods have the potential to unlock opportunities worth

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