SDG: Inclusion

Understanding Mental Health Determinants in India

Decoding what causes diseases requires a deeper understanding of the underlying factors or determinants which affect health. These determinants do not operate in silos and interact with other factors, cumulatively driving health outcomes. Mental health

Opportunities presented by ABDM to strengthen primary healthcare

Sattva brought together funding agencies, not-for-profits, subject matter experts, advisors to government, and private sector leaders actively involved in the digital health ecosystem and primary healthcare to discuss the opportunities presented by the Ayushman Bharat

Decoding Gender Data Gaps with Mitali Nikore

In this episode, we discuss gaps in gender-disaggregated data at the national level, and their impact on solution design to improve female labour force participation, with economist Mitali Nikore.

Swati Kumari

Swati brings 10 + years of holistic work experience in the social impact sector working in various roles with foundations, nonprofits, CSRs and social enterprises. As an Associate Principal at Sattva, Swati leads the sub-business

Indian money sitting on a laptop

The Promise of OCEN for Nano Entrepreneurs

Micro and nano enterprises, also considered India’s economic engines, cannot realise their full potential in contributing to the economy due to their lack of access to formal, affordable credit.

A man documenting his financial records

Open Credit Enablement Network

The Indian digital lending market is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 38%, and reach US $350 billion by 2023 as a result of improved digital financial inclusion.

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