SDG: Inclusion

Communicating Seamlessly with Bhashini

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Building Property Inclusivity

Property holds enormous economic, social, and symbolic relevance, especially for marginalised communities in India. However, systemic issues inhibit sustainable access to property for such groups.

Building Property Inclusivity

Property holds enormous economic, social, and symbolic relevance, especially for marginalised communities in India. However, systemic issues inhibit sustainable access to property for such groups.

Decoding Account Aggregators with Shalini Gupta

Despite gains in its financial inclusion journey, access to financial services is limited to 86% of India’s population. Access to credit specifically is a persistent challenge, reflected in the unmet credit need of Rs 25

Decoding Nano Entrepreneurs with Priya Naik

India is known for its large companies across manufacturing and technology, but what often goes unnoticed is that a large part of the employment in this country is actually driven by Micro Small and Medium

Young children eating fruit.

Unveiling the Nutritional Landscape of India

Malnutrition in India is a multifaceted issue, encompassing both undernutrition and overnutrition. According to the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022 Report, around 224.3 million Indians are undernourished. Inadequate access to

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