SDG: Giving

From Readiness to Listing: NGOs’ SSE Journey

SKI’s Capital for Impact Practice Area conducted a webinar focusing on the comprehensive process of registering and listing an NGO on the Social Stock Exchange (SSE), a significant milestone in accessing capital within the impact

Introducing: CSR Partnerships for Innovation

Welcome to our latest podcast: CSR Partnerships for Innovation. Over the past few years, India has inched up to become the third largest innovation and entrepreneurship hub globally. Our economy boasts of start-ups across diverse sectors

Investing for Impact: Social Stock Exchange in India

The Social Stock Exchange (SSE) is envisioned as a regulated stock exchange that will bring together non-profit organisations (NPOs), for-profit enterprises (FPEs), donors, and investors to direct more capital towards the development sector. The National

Digital Platforms: Funding Landscape

Digital technology is increasingly being leveraged by organisations working in the social sector to create impact and enhance service delivery across a range of sectors. Digital public goods have the potential to unlock opportunities worth

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