SDG: Education

Touchpoint Highlights: Girls in STEM

The eighth session in the SKI Touchpoint series was conducted by the Education Practice Area, on the theme of ‘Girls in STEM: Redefining Future Possibilities’. The session was moderated by Dr Shweta Gaur, Engagement Manager, Education Practice Area

Global Toolkits for FLN Assessments

Foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) proficiency is vital for students to remain in school, improve higher-order skills, secure a decent livelihood, and improving their social and health outcomes. In this ecosystem, assessments play a pivotal

Child playing with building blocks

Evaluating School Readiness in India

The definition of school readiness is located within a framework that has two characteristic features: transition and gaining competencies and the readiness of three entities, children, families and communities, and schools themselves. There is enough

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