CSR in Tamil Nadu

Through this report, Sattva presents a critical glimpse of the Tamil Nadu state with respect to the CSR investment and its development performance.

Five years since, has CSR made a difference?

Srikrishna Sridhar Murthy, CEO – Sattva Consulting, was invited to write a blog piece for IIAS recently. In this piece, he talks about the difference CSR has made in the last 5 years and how

Digital Transformation of CSR

In the wake of COVID-19, businesses across the world have adapted to new ways of working. We at Sattva are also observing increased and accelerated digitization in our work with our CSR clients.

Five non-traditional themes CSR can invest in

Our CSR conversations with corporates peak in February and March every year. Here is a set of curated, non-traditional ideas for CSR funding and strategy, along with some of the work Sattva is currently involved

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