Strategic Support for a Domestic Philanthropic Foundation

Sattva worked to sharpen the impact focus of a domestic philanthropic foundation committed to scale and deploy programmes for system transformation, through grassroot organisations in Manipur

Sattva worked to sharpen the impact focus of a domestic philanthropic foundation committed to scale and deploy programmes for system transformation, through grassroot organisations in Manipur:

The foundation aimed to create meaningful interventions that address environmental, health, and economic challenges faced by marginalised communities in India. Sattva partnered with them to enhance their impact focus, align their vision and mission, and strengthen their organisational capacity.


  • Vision and Mission Alignment: Needed support in refining their vision and mission, ensuring they were aligned with their goals and aspirations.
  • Organisational Development: Assistance in building their organisation’s capabilities to effectively execute their initiatives and maximise their impact.


Sattva collaborated closely with the foundation to drive their transformation journey, employing the following strategies:

  • Co-creation Workshops: Sattva facilitated workshops to co-create and refine the vision and mission, engaging key stakeholders and ensuring collective ownership.
  • Indicator Development: Sattva developed outcome indicators for various livelihoods, environmental, and healthcare programmes, enabling effective measurement of impact and progress.
  • Portfolio Streamlining: Sattva reviewed the programme portfolio in Kerala, Manipur, and Tamil Nadu, providing recommendations for streamlining initiatives and suggesting exit plans where necessary.


Through these collaborative efforts, there was significant impact achieved on:

  • Access to education: The foundation built essential infrastructure in underserved regions of Manipur, enabling students to access quality education and empowering them with better opportunities.
  • Healthcare training: Volunteers were provided with comprehensive healthcare training, allowing them to contribute to general healthcare and child nutrition among the local Adivasi population.
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